
Frameless/Heavy Glass Shower Doors Enclosures
“Installed Right!“
Over the past years, Frameless Shower Doors & Enclosures have become the Preferred Style that many Home Owners are seeking when shopping for a New Glass Shower Enclosure.
Typically they have Experienced these Elegant Upgraded Designs at a Hotel, family member, or friends home, or even in a magazine.
As Frameless Shower doors can look quite simple, It is important to know ,Our Customer Service approach is to Inform, and Educate about the varied Design Characteristics, Limitations, and Installation Procedures. This Information will help you make your decisions.
Although in some applications, Frameless Shower Doors are not always as water tight as Traditional Shower Systems, in most cases if they are Designed correctly, and proper procedures are followed they, are a Very Good Choice when Simplicity, Cleaner Lines, and Easier Maintenance is desired.
Arming you with the most important facts will help guide you through the process, and with your selections.
Frameless Shower Doors are Typically Completely Custom, so even Small Details can be accommodated during the Design and Measure Process.
Frameless Shower Doors are Measured Very Accurately to within 1/16” of
Plumb, Level, and Dimension. Therefore all the Showers surfaces that the glass will attach to, needs to be Completed Prior to Final Measurements.
Unit Heights should be Measured considering, appropriate Site Lines, User, and Shower Head Height, Criteria etc.
Choose your Hardware Wisely, follow Hinge Weight, & Width Criteria, and their placement on the Wall and Glass. This offers Visual Balance, and added Stability and Durability.
Extra attention spent on the Stationary Glass Clamp Selection, and their Locations, will also offer Visual Balance, and a more Stable Shower Enclosure.
To ensure the Maximum Water Retention of your Frameless Shower Door, the use, selection, and application of Low Profile, Translucent Polycarbonate ”Door Jamb Seals” will help ensure your Frameless Shower Enclosure is as Water Tight as Possible.
We also recommend the use of a Translucent Polycarbonate Bottom Splash Deflectors. This Deflector will minimize the water that might try to migrate under the door, and is easily Removable for Cleaning.
Now that your installation is complete, all you need to do is apply a water resistant coating such as Invisible Shield to the glass once a year, this is applied after the silicone is cured, see care and maintenance.